Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snow Castles

We had a small break in the winter weather and the sun finally came out!

Aaron took the afternoon to be outside and had a great time. He is ready for summer so he found his shovel and pale and headed outside to make snow castles.

He walked around the house and found his scooter. The snow piles are quite large with over 2 feet of snow on the ground. You can barely see his head above the piles.

It's been a while since Aaron has played outside and he didn't want to come in.

Yesterday the sun was out all day and it reached 50, such a change from the past month when we have been in the 20's most of the time.

It was such a great sight to see part of our roof again only a small sign that winter is coming to a close, spring is in sight and we all can't wait!!

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