Saturday, December 31, 2011

Katies Special Day

Today was Katie's special day and she sure looked the part very beautiful all in white.

Today Katie was baptized in to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

She is very blessed to have her Father able to baptize her its so nice to see them dressed in white together.

We made sure we took a family photo.

Baby William made his first trip out today and was close to steeling the show from Katie but she was more than willing to share her day with him.

Nick has to go back to his training on Monday so William was blessed today as well. Katie and William we so sweet together on their special day all dresses in white together.

Zach asked to give one of the talks for the program so he talked about baptism and did a great job.

After Katie was Baptized while she was getting changed her cousin Jessi played her violin and did a wonderful job it was so beautiful to listen to and helped us fill the time to get Katie ready.

Grandpa Webb gave us the talk on the Holy Ghost and did a wonderful job and came out with a bag of cool gifts to help us remember to always listen to the Holy Ghost in our lives. Great Job Grandpa you did a great job.

When we got home we took a few family pictures and then got some food to eat.

Katie got a few gifts and was luck to get a CTR ring from Grandma Webb. She also got some baptism day jewelry, a special pillow case, and her own hymn book from Grandma and Grandpa Shattuck, Nana and Papa, and Sean, Amanda and Seany.

Grandma and Grandpa Webb bought her own scripture bag to keep all of her things in. It was a wonderful day and it was so nice to feel the Spirit all day long. We are so blessed to have Katie in our lives she is a wonderful girl full of life and we are so glad that she made the decision to be baptized. Katie we love you very much!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Morning

We were able to sleep in till about 7 on Christmas morning but the kids were wide awake once they came out of their rooms.

Everyone got some really cool gifts and the kids each took turns opening one gift at a time so we could all see what everyone was getting.

Even though its winter each of the kids got a new scooter. Katie got a pogo stick as well but everyone has been taking a turn on it so its been a great gift for them to share.

Zach got his own basketball hoop for the driveway so he was the most excited and that's why we saved it to be opened last.

Once we were done opening gifts I got the call from my sister so I was getting ready to leave and the boys played tackling the bear game while John made me something to eat.

After eating John and the kids did the whole thing over again at his parents house but he was on his own. We all had a fun but crazy and different Christmas day.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve

With Christmas Eve being on a Saturday this year John had the day off, I think it might be one of the only Christmas eve's he has ever had off since we had kids, so it was nice to be able to spend the day together as a family.
We decided to go to the movies to see Tin Tin in 3D and we had a great time and it was a really good movie.

From there we went to Johns parents for our family party.

Grandma Shattuck gives the kids their gifts to open and they all got a new DS game and another DS so we now have 3 of them one for each of the kids. It was a fun night with lots of family and lots of good food.

When we got home the kids opened there one gift from us, as always PJ's and they all raced to get dressed.

Katie found a book called Christmas Eve that she wanted to read to us so we all sat and listened to her.

We ended our night with John reading us the Christmas story out of the scriptures. It was a great way to end our busy day and get us ready for Christmas morning.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Best Christmas Gift Ever

Christmas morning was a very eventful one this year. After the kids woke us up and we finished opening our gifts I received a call from my sister saying her water broke in the middle of the night and she was going into active labor.

Just before 4pm William Tyler Pullan was born. 6lbs 14 oz and 20 in long. Mom and baby are doing well.

Today they came home, so we took the kids over to meet their new cousin. Zach was the first one to ask to hold him and he did a great job.

My parents flew in on Christmas night and were able to spend a little time each day with them.

It has been a very busy and crazy few days but we are so happy to have baby William here.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Home Comming

Saturday morning we were all excited because Nick was on his way home for Christmas!

The kids and Susan made him a sign and couldn't wait to have Nick home to see it.

Susan ran the second she saw him.

Aaron has taken over again as being Nicks buddy and had a hard time sharing him with Susan when it was time to get in the car. We are all very happy that he is home! Welcome Home Nick!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Normandin Christmas Party

Saturday was the Normandin Family Christmas party and it is the fist time in many years that everyone was able to be there.

John and I are the old ones in the family when it comes to the cousins and in turn our kids are the oldest too. So we wanted to make sure that there were some things to keep the kids happy while the adults talked.

We made snowman cookies that the kids could decorate and they did a really good job.

We also played pin the bow tie on the gingerbread man and Katie ended up winning that one. The kids had a good time playing together and its nice to see that my kids were very good helpers and played very nicely with their younger cousins.

There are 11 kids in the family and with everyone being there we took advantage and took a picture of them together which is the first one we have ever been able to do. They were all good sports and the bigger kids helped us with the little ones.
It was a fun night and it is good to be in a room filled with family this time of year.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Katies 8 Today!!!

Today Katie turns 8! Happy Birthday!!!

Sunday we had her Birthday party with the family and had a great time.

I made her cupcakes and she helped decorate, then we formed them into the number 8, it turned out great.

We had a good time visiting and watching her open her many gifts.

We ended the night with milkshakes and a Christmas movie. Happy Birthday Katie you are turning into a beautiful girl and a wonderful sister. We love you very much!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Birthday Tradition

Saturday Katie and I went to see the Nutcracker and we had a great time! We left the boys home to work on the house and had a fun girls day out.

This is our 3rd year of going together along with Nana, Grandma Shattuck, Amanda and we were lucky to have Susan around now so she came as well.

We really enjoy going each year and we always try and find what is different from the year before and it seems to get better each year.

We had so much fun and its a great way to start off Katies birthday week (I can't believe she's 8)!

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Yesterday John and the boys put the lights up on the house.

Zach and Aaron were great helpers and they worked hard to get the job done quickly.
I love to see the lights on the house at night it really makes it feel like Christmas. Great Job boys!