Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve

With Christmas Eve being on a Saturday this year John had the day off, I think it might be one of the only Christmas eve's he has ever had off since we had kids, so it was nice to be able to spend the day together as a family.
We decided to go to the movies to see Tin Tin in 3D and we had a great time and it was a really good movie.

From there we went to Johns parents for our family party.

Grandma Shattuck gives the kids their gifts to open and they all got a new DS game and another DS so we now have 3 of them one for each of the kids. It was a fun night with lots of family and lots of good food.

When we got home the kids opened there one gift from us, as always PJ's and they all raced to get dressed.

Katie found a book called Christmas Eve that she wanted to read to us so we all sat and listened to her.

We ended our night with John reading us the Christmas story out of the scriptures. It was a great way to end our busy day and get us ready for Christmas morning.

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