Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow..No Snow.. Snow

We have had some really crazy weather the past few weeks and winter still has a ways to go.

We have had a pretty mild snow year so far this winter which I think is great, but the kids want more so they can make a better sledding track. We only had about 8 inches on the ground all winter so when you have a warm day with no snow the track melts and then you have to start over again.

The last couple of weeks have been pretty good for sledding and the kids love it. It is so nice to go out side your house and have a great hill to sled down and I can watch from the window.

On Sunday we had a warm rain storm and it rained for almost 24 hours. As you can see all of our snow melted and only a few patches around the yard were left. I love seeing the nice green grass again. Aaron had a great time playing outside and he was able to take cooper for a walk around the house again. But it was short lived and now we are covered again. Yesterday it snowed all day long then ended in a cold wind that blew the snow all over the place. And I had to shovel just to get the car out of the drive way.

I'm glad my kids love to play outside no matter what the weather is. I just can't wait until it gets warmer so I can stay out with them. Spring can't come fast enough for me.

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