Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Snow Storm Recap

Getting back on track is taking much longer than I thought it would. I have a lot to catch up on so I'm going to try and keep them in order. Saturday night we went to bed in the dark with the power already out and the snow still falling.

This is what we woke up to Sunday morning, 2 feet of snow on the ground. Its so beautiful out when the snow is fresh on the ground, but the cold was starting to set in and the hunger growing in our tummy's.

After making pancakes on the barbecue, we all got our snow gear on and went out to clear the snow.

John went down to start the snow blower and after 30 minutes of trying to get it to start the pull start cord broke and we were stuck and wet and getting cold.

We called around and found a guy who wasn't to busy to come and plow us out. After waiting almost 2 hours the guy showed up and on his first fun down our driveway he fishtailed his truck barley missing our car and got stuck on our grass .

After some digging we got the truck out and he was able to finish the driveway. We only had a little clean up to do and we had a clear driveway. We packed our bags and went to John's parents to hang out until the power came back on. It was a very crazy and busy day and we were so glad to sit down in a nice warm house again.

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