Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mothers Day

 Mothers day came with a bright sunny morning and mom and Aaron not feeling great so we decided to take it easy and stay home from Church and spend much needed time together.
 After eating breakfast we decided to go to a lake not far from our home to sit on the beach never thinking that the kids would really get into the water (what was I thinking). Katie like the fish she really is only took about 5 minutes to get all the way into the water and was swimming.  I stepped into the water and it was freezing so I have no idea how all of the kids were playing in it let alone Katie swimming.
 Zach and John passed the football around for a while.
 Zach was being an awesome big brother and was very nice to help Aaron walk way out into the water, they wanted to see how far they could walk out before they got to cold.
Everyone got along really well and it was a nice relaxing afternoon together.  It was a wonderful Mothers day spent with my wonderful husband and Kids just hanging out on a beach together. Who could ask for more.

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