Friday, October 4, 2013

Six Flags Fun

Now that we have moved to NJ we had the chance to go to a different six flags. John was at work so we took Grandma and Grandpa along for the day.
 This is the biggest amusement park we have ever been to so there were so many rides we wanted to go on. It was so much fun to take Zach on some of the bigger roller coasters.  One of the first ones we went on was the Merry Go Round and even Grandma came on to ride with us.
 We took a break for lunch then headed over to the kids area so Aaron could go on as many rides as he wanted.  They have lots of kid rides and they went on all of them and had a blast.
 We took a break from the rides and saw an otter show. They came out with buckets and Zach got chosen to get a bucket of water dumped onto his head and he loved it.
 We had a blast all day and stayed till they closed.  Can't wait till we can come back again and next time hopefully we can bring John with us.

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