Sunday, January 12, 2014

Katie's Birthday Adventure Part 2

It had been a long morning and we were all in need of some lunch so we could sit down for a while.
We went to the car to put the huge bags away and Katie couldn't wait to try out her new bag that Grandma Shattuck bought for her.
We decided to head up to the food court in the mall so everyone could choose what they wanted for lunch and Katie got right to changing her dolls clothes.
Grandma was glad to lend a hand and help her get the shoes on and together they got her dressed and ready for our next activity.
We all sat down and ate our lunch and Katie came up with a few ideas for her dolls name.  We have had a great morning but we still had one more stop to make.
Every year since we moved back East we have taken Katie to see the Nutcracker.  I found a company that was putting it on in Worcester so I couldn't pass up the chance, so that was our last stop of our Adventure Birthday.
We have always gone to a small local kids production so this was our first time seeing a professional company. We didn't tell Katie where we were going, we just gave her a new dress and had her change before we got to our next stop. She was so excited and she figured out what we were doing before we got there.

We went inside and found our seats.  We were able to have this one picture of all us girls taken and we were all so excited for the show to start.  We were in the center so we had a great view of the stage.
The show so really good it was fun to see the different way they put on the show.  They had wonderful costumes and beautiful music.  Katie's favorite part was the Sugar Plum Princess.  We had a great day and this was a great way to end it. We found this jolly Santa in the window and that's how we know that Christmas is on the way.

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